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God's Story

“God’s Story”

In 2007, Christ Community Church in Franklin, Tennessee commissioned me to do a painting that would prove to be one of the most challenging, yet rewarding pieces that I had done to that day. Due to its high visibility in that church, Scotty Smith's teachings and the prints that have gone all over the country,…

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Memorial Day


Happy Memorial Day from the Barn. I pray that every flag we see will stir us inside to remember what a wonderful country it is that we live in. I pray we will be thankful for every blessing that is ours to enjoy. I pray we will never forget that all of this didn't come…

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I love the look of winter. Where I live it's very neutral, bare and, what some might call, dismal. I would rather refer to it as quietly beautiful. Even though we seldom see the extravagant beauty of a blanket of freshly fallen snow here in Tennessee, I am still comforted by the quiet elegance that…

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A friend of mine recently came to the barn for the first time. He's a professional photographer. Actually, his name is Paul Moore. I love how sensitive Paul's eye is to beauty. Sometimes where you least expect it. He finds beauty in what might appear mundane - especially in nature. He can uncover exquisite color…

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Fresh Start

Fresh Start

It's a new year. I always love that feeling. The tree is down. The ornaments are stored. The lights are unplugged for another year. Life seems calmer, cleaner and a bit less cluttered. It's a perfect time for a fresh start. A fresh start. Don't we all desire that? What lies behind us is littered…

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David Arms Gallery

An exciting day

I am branching out, literally. I am opening my own gallery in the most unlikely of places - a barn. As you round the bend into the town of historic Leiper's Fork, the first building to greet you is now one of two places where my original art can be viewed (the other being Atlanta)…

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Shelly's Arm

Shelly’s Arm

Friday night my wife and I received one of those dreaded calls saying our oldest daughter had fallen and broken her arm. Suddenly we're in the emergency room. The next day she's in surgery. The next night we're heading home with life looking a little differently than it had just days before. As my daughter…

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Free Desktop Wallpaper

As I have my cup of coffee this morning, I'm thinking about how nice it feels to offer something on my website for free. No purchase necessary. Simply free. Having been asked to use my artwork as desktop wallpaper for some time now, I'm glad to say we've adapted six paintings into high-quality images that…

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Wings of the Wind

Wings of the Wind

It is early morning, shortly after daybreak, and I am sitting at the edge of Lake Michigan on the beach. The air is quite chilly - I am snug in my sweatshirt. The clouds have rolled across the sky like a carpet. The wind is steady. The waves are large for a lake. But the…

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Letters from 1934


There is not much I would rather receive than a handwritten note or letter. It is a gift in itself. (I'll admit, it's a bit ironic that I'm talking about "handwritten" as I type away on these little white plastic keys.) I fear it is something my children will not experience once my wife and…

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Story painting


I am sitting here with my cup of coffee this morning pondering a very large painting that I just completed. It is only the second time in all these years of being an artist that I have painted a piece this large - 4' x 8' - which is still the largest size I have…

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