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I am embarking on a new adventure. For most it is as common and natural as showering and putting on clean underwear. I am happy to do that on a daily basis but this takes me way outside my comfort zone.


For one who is content quietly tucked away in his studio, it can be a daunting task.

Plus, it’s embarrassing when I have to ask for help from my fourteen year old daughter.

For years many of you have been so kind as to send me uplifting stories and messages relating a piece of art to what was happening in your life. Many of these dealt with fear and anxiety. Many with joy and peace. They all ended with hope.

I am so thankful for your communication and I want to encourage it.

I will use this blog to continually let you know what’s going on – what I’m thinking – what I’m doing – how I’m feeling in the process.

Facebook is now a part of this site too. This allows you to be a part of the conversation, and I will chime in too. Never think your words don’t matter. Everyone needs to be encouraged.

I love hearing from you and I look forward to what you have to say. Who knows what painting you might inspire next.
