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Originally posted July 25, 2011

I’m sitting at the water’s edge being lulled by the waves as they gracefully roll in, then gently slide away. There is such peace here in this continual rhythm.

Mindlessly I pitch hands full of sand onto the perfectly smooth beach, making my own mess of things.

Then I watch as the waves remove what I had done as though it had never happened.

Then I do it again.

And the waves do the same.

There is nothing I can do to stop it.

I throw the sand. I make the mess. Then the waves wash it away.

Then I realize – isn’t that the way of grace?

I make the mess, and grace continually washes over me. I am seen as clean and perfect. I make the mess again, grace continually washes over me, and I am still seen as clean and perfect.

And there is absolutely nothing I can do to stop it – no matter how many messes I make.

By grace, I live in a constant cleansing.

  • Thanks! Absolutely true and profound. “If grace is an ocean, we’re all sinking … “

  • Terri Sasse says:

    Absolutely beautiful!! And oh, so true.

  • So beautiful. Thank you. You are a blessing to many.

  • What a beautiful analogy!! I love your work!

  • robert jefferies says:

    I too am a lover of waves,so I love this illustration of grace–I can really relate to it,The larger waves remind me of strength,the bountiful blessings of God pouring over this earth,continually,not stopping

  • Susan Frcka says:

    LOVE THIS! I forwarded on to my adult children for a reminder during their busy young lives.

  • Gwynn Schneider says:

    A beautiful picture of what grace is and what it does.

  • Diaphanous1 says:

    Our Lord, Christ covered our iniquities by the shedding of His blood on the Cross.
    May we never take that for granted

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