My garden is ever evolving. But I believe that’s the nature of gardens. Honestly, my idea of gardening evolves too. I love to begin a day here and end a day here. It enlivens me to start my day and calms me to be ready for rest. It’s my small piece of heaven.
Morning. My favorite part of the day.
Before rising, I begin with gratitude. For life. For opportunities the day will provide.
I fill my thermos with coffee and retreat to my studio.
With mind and body rested, before I’m invaded by the world outside these walls, I have time alone. To think. To read. To pray.
I prefer it to begin in the dark when I can see the day unfold before me.
I sit with my thoughts.
I acknowledge my successes and failures to see what I can learn from them. Good choices and bad. I give thanks. I ask for forgiveness.
I listen.
The birds remind me it’s a new day. A time to receive grace. And to give the same grace that I received.
These moments carry me through the day.
Without them I am disoriented. A bit lost.
I’ve learned that “how I start” affects “how I end”.
Choices made throughout the day are influenced by the choices I made that morning.
Morning prepares me for what is ahead.
It won’t be perfect, and that’s ok.
I will give thanks. I will ask for forgiveness.
And if I’m given another morning, I will find refuge in my favorite part of the day.