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A friend of mine recently came to the barn for the first time. He’s a professional photographer. Actually, his name is Paul Moore.

I love how sensitive Paul’s eye is to beauty. Sometimes where you least expect it. He finds beauty in what might appear mundane – especially in nature. He can uncover exquisite color and detail in the ordinary bark of a tree.

Instinctively he took pictures that day – then went on his way.

When he showed me the photos, I was reminded why I love photography. It’s all about seeing. You don’t do photography with your eyes shut.

You look. You see. You observe.

And no two people see any one thing in the exact same way.

So when I looked at Paul’s photos, I was looking through his lens, his perspective. I was seeing the familiar in a fresh, new way.

I think it’s important to live this life looking from many perspectives. It’s important to observe from many angles. It’s important to see what others see. It’s how we learn, how we expand – even if we end up liking our own view better.

And sometimes there is no “better”. It’s simply two different views.

I invite you to view Paul’s photos and see what he saw. Actually, I think he lets you feel what he felt. If you’ve not made it to the barn yet, you’ll see why I love it so much. If you have been already, you can look at it through a new set of eyes.

To see more of what Paul’s eye sees, visit his website.

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  • Beth Kaufman says:

    The barn looks absolutely amazing…the photos are wonderful…but the barn is spectacular. Someday I WILL visit the barn! Makes me want more David Arms artwork. 🙂

  • What a peaceful and lovely place. I hope to visit it someday. The photography conveys the serenity and calm.

  • Catherine says:

    Beautiful pictures.It just seems like art work and photography are a marriage. They both show us how we view the world, and all it’s beauty it has to offer us .

  • Joy Brandon says:

    I so look forward to coming out to see your place! i have loved your work since I first saw your booth at the BA art show about 10-12 years ago! I am fascinated by the depth in your pieces and would love to get some interpretation of your newer things 🙂 God has gifted you, and I am grateful for what you share! See you soon! Joy.

  • David & Michelle, I had such a wonderful time photographing at the Barn in Leiper’s Fork! Your paintings are perfectly at home in their new environment. Spending time with you both was a rare treat and I look forward to seeing you again soon. Thank you so much for featuring my photographs in Coffee Break. I am humbled and honored that they found a home on your beautiful website.
    Warm Regards,

  • […] else as jazzed as I am every time David Arms writes, creates, or expresses his ideas out loud? In this post he wrote, “I think it’s important to live this life looking from many perspectives. It’s […]

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