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Friday night my wife and I received one of those dreaded calls saying our oldest daughter had fallen and broken her arm.

Suddenly we’re in the emergency room.

The next day she’s in surgery.

The next night we’re heading home with life looking a little differently than it had just days before.

As my daughter lay in the emergency room learning she was to have surgery, her main concern was for her friends. First she was concerned that some had been traumatized by what they had seen. And then she didn’t want them burdened with having to help her at school and otherwise.

We talked about how learning to receive had been such a difficult thing for me to embrace. Giving had been easy. Receiving, not.

We talked about how learning to receive is as important as learning to give. It takes us out of the driver’s seat where we’re no longer in control. And therein lies the struggle.

We talked about how helping others is one of the greatest joys in life and when we don’t allow others to do the same for us, we rob them of that joy.

Her friends have swarmed around her like bees on a hive and they are all dying to help. For many of them it is their way of saying “thanks” to her for the many ways she has helped them.

Relationships must be a two way street. It’s the only way a relationship can be complete.

Last year I wrote these words saying just that.

Life is meant to be shared.

It’s one of God’s ways to bring healing.

Here are those words:


Let me be the hand you reach for
When darkness falls like rain,
Let me be the one who understands
When you go down that road again,
Let me sit with you in silence
When no spoken word will do,
Let me never try to lead you,
Just let me walk with you.

Let me hear your hopeful whispers
As I crumble from the fall,
Let me look to you for comfort
When I’m backed against the wall,
Let me find in you a shelter
When I’m not all I’m meant to be,
Let me rest in your forgiveness,
And know you’re here to walk with me.

On this road we need each other,
We’re not meant to walk alone,
A burden shared is half the load,
A joy is twice the fun,
The stones of life won’t stop us
As we struggle to break free,
I swear I’ll stumble with you
If you will just…let me.

Let me feel the sadness of your tears,
On my shoulder rest your head,
Let me be the one who listens
When an ear is all you need,
Let me be your biggest fan
When you’ve lost faith in yourself,
Let me lift the weight of sorrow,
Blow wind into your sail.

Let me find you in my broken places
When I’ve lost the will to mend,
Let me feel you when I’m at the end,
Help me hang on, begin again,
Let me see you’re there when I’ve lost sight
Of what’s good and right and true,
Let me know I’ll never walk alone
When I have someone like you.

On this road we need each other,
We’re not meant to walk alone,
A burden shared is half the load,
A joy is twice the fun.
The stones of life won’t stop us
As we struggle to break free,
I swear I’ll stumble with you
If you will just…let me.

  • mary virginia frist says:

    Thank you for sharing this. Very true in all of our lives…Your family is a blessing to all of us!

  • Shelly Arms (and broken arm) says:

    I love you, Dad! Thanks for being right next to me through all of this and showing me how God is working in my life through this time of struggle.

  • Mary Cude says:

    Very true and very well said. Thanks so much. I pray Shelly has a very easy and rapid recovery.

  • David, I don’t know why, but I find many women struggle with this very issue. And I am one of them. This could not have come at a more important time to me as my neighbors just recently MADE me take help from them on Monday. Thank you for your beautiful words and encouragement in the story.

  • Michael Easley says:

    OK, now that things have settled down and prayerfully, she’s gonna be just fine, now we’re all waiting for the David “Arms” painting on the “arm” cast… get to work! 🙂

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