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I Have Seen

I have seen joy where great adversity dwells. I have seen wealth where poverty rules. I have seen courage where there is war and uncertainty. I have seen beauty where all is desolate and dry. I have seen hope where all seemed hopeless. I have seen these things because I have been blessed to know…

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Story painting


I am sitting here with my cup of coffee this morning pondering a very large painting that I just completed. It is only the second time in all these years of being an artist that I have painted a piece this large - 4' x 8' - which is still the largest size I have…

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Blue Bluebird eggs in a nest


Each spring my youngest daughter and I await eagerly for the first signs of bluebirds to appear inside their houses. When we see them busily going to and fro, we start peaking inside to see the nests being intricately assembled piece by piece - and seeing what materials they use is half the fun. Once…

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40% Off “Hope” Book

Through Tuesday, May 17th. Celebrating 5 Years for 5 Days​.