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My garden is a place where beauty, hard work, contemplation, sweat, joy, pain, rewards and failures coexist.

Much like life.

Here is my garden once I decided to let go and NOT make perfection my goal.

Plant combinations might be a bit strange (if I liked it, I bought it).

Weeds have crept in (come to find out, I like many of them).

Stopped the use of pesticides and weed killer (the wildlife loves it).

Could it be that my idea of perfection is not so perfect after all?

Imagine that.

When I step back, embrace its imperfections and gaze across the whole, I say it is good. It’s a beautiful thing.

Much like life.


We're Moving This week!

Our gallery is moving down the street this week.  We can’t wait to open our doors to you! Please stay tuned for that announcement. 

Last Day: Sunday, September 1st.

Stop by this week for our final days in the barn before we move down the street to our new location. Sunday, September 1st will be our last day.

We’re so grateful for these 13 years having our gallery in the most unlikely of places — a barn! We look forward to opening our doors at our new location very soon.

40% Off “Hope” Book

Through Tuesday, May 17th. Celebrating 5 Years for 5 Days​.