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In God We Trust • blog post

An American Privilege

I voted this morning. And I've got to say that I felt ecstatic waiting in line, looking around at this diverse group of individuals who have shown up to give their opinion of who should lead this great country. And their opinion counts. Not only was I proud to cast my vote for the candidate of my choosing, but

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The Making of a Painting – Part 3

So the concept was complete and it was time to paint. With most paintings I do, I actually stage the composition (except for the birds) and I photograph it. That photograph is what I then paint from. But in this case, the painting was not something I could stage. In my mind, it was lots…

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David in the process of painting: concept and inspiration

The Making of a Painting – Part 2

Before I begin a painting, there must be inspiration. And from that inspiration, a concept is revealed. For me, the concept is the "soul" of my painting. Since paint has become my voice, the painting itself is "what I have to say". An artist's inspiration could be beauty alone – maybe that of creation –…

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