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To “look”, I engage my eyes.

To “see”, I ask my eyes to join hands with my heart, mind and soul.

I have the gift of vision which gives me the ability to “look”.

But, unfortunately, I don’t always “see”.

Certainly pleasure can be obtained from looking. But seeing turns that pleasure into an experience, often making clear the presence of the Divine.

“Looking” sees a rock as grey.

“Seeing” observes in that rock the unexpected painter’s palette of lavenders, blues, golds and greens.

“Looking” sees a bare tree on a winter’s day, standing lonely. Quietly waiting for its beauty to return with the first sign of spring.

“Seeing” realizes that beauty remains in each tree’s unique, intricately designed architecture, silhouetted starkly against a mottled grey sky.

Seeing might take a moment. To be present. To be aware.

And that’s where the problem often lies for me.

Life is busy. In that busyness I forget. So I look. But do not see.

When I “see”, I’m more likely to live in a state of awe and gratitude.

I’m aware of the magnificent world just outside my door. Full of wonder. A miracle at every turn.

I recall the many reasons I married my wife.

I see a human, a being, inside the ragged clothes, at the corner, holding a cardboard sign.

I am less likely to focus so greatly on myself.

Which opens my eyes. Makes me aware.

Then I can turn my eyes to a whole new world that awaits me in this very spot I have been for many years.

If I just breathe.

Then look.

Then see.



We're Moving This week!

Our gallery is moving down the street this week.  We can’t wait to open our doors to you! Please stay tuned for that announcement. 

Last Day: Sunday, September 1st.

Stop by this week for our final days in the barn before we move down the street to our new location. Sunday, September 1st will be our last day.

We’re so grateful for these 13 years having our gallery in the most unlikely of places — a barn! We look forward to opening our doors at our new location very soon.

40% Off “Hope” Book

Through Tuesday, May 17th. Celebrating 5 Years for 5 Days​.