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We don’t have these days in Nashville very often.

But when we do, I’m smitten.

This one came fast. Every flake counted.

The world stood still.

Even if for a moment.

The chaos was quietened.

Even if for a moment.

There was the hope that all could be well with the world.

Even if for a moment.

A pure, white blanket lay softly, encouraging me to be still. To breathe. To hope.

I need those moments, as fleeting as they may be.

This moment will melt.

Noise will creep back in.

Chaos will resume.

But hope will remain.

  • “The world looks like something God had just imagined for His own pleasure, doesn’t it? Those trees look as if I could blow them away with a breath-poof! I’m so glad I live in a world where there are white frosts, aren’t you?”-Lucy Maud Montgomery, “Anne of Green Gables”

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    We're Moving This week!

    Our gallery is moving down the street this week.  We can’t wait to open our doors to you! Please stay tuned for that announcement. 

    Last Day: Sunday, September 1st.

    Stop by this week for our final days in the barn before we move down the street to our new location. Sunday, September 1st will be our last day.

    We’re so grateful for these 13 years having our gallery in the most unlikely of places — a barn! We look forward to opening our doors at our new location very soon.

    40% Off “Hope” Book

    Through Tuesday, May 17th. Celebrating 5 Years for 5 Days​.